Lake Ridge Men and Women's Swimming and Diving Teams qualify for Regionals.
Campus News
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Girl's Soccer has a home game and spirit night at Cane's tonight.
Softball and Baseball Tryout Information
Final exam information is provided.
There is a mandatory meeting for girls interested in trying out for soccer on November 18th.
Lake Ridge is hosting a Veteran's Day breakfast and celebration for community military veterans.
Join us for the Lake Ridge Friendsgiving on November 14th. Dinner and a movie outside by the varsity gym.
The Lake Ridge JROTC won 8 out of 10 events at the Mansfield ISD JROTC Sports and Fitness Field Day last Saturday.
Girls Basketball Tryouts are October 16th, 17th, and 18th.
Lake Ridge Theatre presents Junie B. Jones The Musical on October 9th and 10th.